弘扬历史文化 坚定海医自信——2022新春寄语党委书记 杨俊 伴随着自贸港建设的铿锵节奏,海医蹄疾步稳,走得坚定有力,走出硕果累累。走到今天,亟待回答这样一个问题:海医靠什么走过既往的路,靠什么走向未来的路?回答好这个问题,关乎昨天,更关系明天:海医能走多远。海医因海南人民健康需要而生,虽生不逢时,但自强自立创业精神永存。创办海医的历史就是一部地地道道海南医学教育艰苦创业史,海医完完全全因海南人民健康而生。海南岛长期孤悬海外,经济社会发展落后,岛内医疗资源匮乏,看病就医难长期困扰百姓。1947年、1948年海南医学院的前身私立海强医事技术学校和海南大学医学院先后由民间自发草创,但却根本没有得到腐败无能的国民党当局认可,经费全需自筹,办学举步维艰。私立海南大学办学条件达不到要求,总共只办了三个学期就停办,其医学院前后招了三届共90名医学生。海强医事技术学校只有几名教师、四间房子和几台简单的显微镜,办学条件极差。但先贤们受抗战胜利的爱国热潮鼓舞,仍毅然决然办学兴医致力于家乡发展。海南现代医学教育先驱、海强医事技术学校独立创办人、留日医学硕士林筱海先生,谈到当时为什么要办海南第一所医科学校时称:“因为在抗日战争胜利后,我回海南任海口陆军医院院长,看到海南医疗卫生十分落后,医院少,医生护士也少,也看到社会失学的青年相当多。我是为了通过医学教育事业培养医疗卫生人员,为了使社会青年能够就学就业,为了开辟海南医学发展道路而办起来的”。海南现代医疗事业和医学教育先驱、私立海南大学医学院院长兼海南医院院长、留法医学博士朱润深,放弃在协和医院工作的优越条件,毅然回到家乡身兼医学院与医院院长两职,一手拿听诊器,一手执教鞭。林筱海和朱润深两位先贤一个文昌人,一个万宁人,都是现代医学专家,爱乡尤其心切,特别是林筱海先生回琼后就一直留在家乡,虽历经磨难仍不改发展海南医学教育事业的初心,令人敬仰。如果没有这种爱国爱岛、自强自立的精神支撑,就没有海医的前世今生。海医不负海南人民期望艰苦奋斗,虽成长曲折,但始终为海南医药卫生事业发展迎难而上。1951年,人民政府接收了私立海南大学医学院与海强医事技术学校并将其合并为海南医科专门学校,1953年因台风致校舍受损,与广东省第八卫校合并;1958年海南医专恢复,至1963年再次停招;1973年海南医学专科学校复办,1977年试办本科,1983年并入海南大学为医学部;乘改革春风,1989年1月筹建海南医学院至1993年正式成立,海南医学院从此走上独立发展正轨。虽成长曲折,但不乏坚韧不拔、顽强拼搏的精神品质。海南医科专门学校首任校长梁文墀是琼海人,1939年从马来亚回国参加抗日,后加入中国共产党,曾任琼崖抗日总队政治部科长、军医处长,是一名饱经枪林弹雨考验的琼崖抗日战士,正是他,把海南23年红旗不倒的红色基因首次注入了海医,使“忠诚于党、艰苦奋斗、不屈不挠”成为海医人的本色。学校发展虽历经磨难,但规模逐步扩大, 1973年第一附属医院创建,2016年原农垦总院划为学校第二附属医院,2018年省医院划入海医,使教学体系日臻完善。随着海南建省办经济特区,海医也进入了兴旺的发展时期,特别是进入中国特色社会主义新时代的海南医学院,现已拥有完整的本硕博医学人才培养体系、31个专业、14000多名全日制在校生和11家直属非直属附属医院,先后培养了5万多名医学人才,培养了全省70%以上的卫生专业技术人才和70%以上基层医院卫生院院长和管理层干部,为维护海南人民健康福祉做出了巨大贡献。如今,盛世已如先辈们所愿,林筱海、梁文墀身上所体现出的“爱国爱岛、济世救民、听党话跟党走”的强烈家国情怀和政治觉悟,正是支撑我们走到今天的强大的精神力量,是海医历史文化的血脉根系,值得我们发扬光大。海医为海南人民健康矢志不渝,长期耕耘,在开拓发展热带医学事业中彰显使命与担当七十多年来,海医人致力于海南人民健康事业,在海南医学教育发展和医疗技术提升方面做出了巨大贡献,尤其是在开拓热带医学事业、消除海南热带传染病地方病的努力上,更是集中体现了追求卓越、勇于创新的专业精神。海南作为中国唯一的热带岛屿,其热带湿润环境极易滋生蚊、蜱等寄生虫,病毒极易繁衍,疟疾、登革热肆虐,人民饱受其苦。而热带病又被WHO称为“被忽视的疾病”,长期不被重视。从上世纪五六十年代开始,海南医学院就已开始研究热带传染病,经过几代人的不懈努力,2009年成立了热带医学与检验医学院,开启了热带医学本科和研究生教育;2021年进而组建了亚洲第二个热带医学院;制定了《海南医学院热带医学学科建设与发展规划》,明确了热带医学的发展路径;先后建立了海南省热带病重点实验室、热带药用植物研发重点实验室,2017年与中科院高福院士、康乐院士联合成立了热带医学院士工作站,与柬埔寨、缅甸共建了热带传染病联合实验室和重大疾病防治联合研究中心,2018年与香港大学联合成立新发热带病研究室,同年牵头成立了30多个沿线国家参加的热带医学联盟,搭建了多层次的热带医学研究平台。2019年、2020年热带转化医学教育部重点实验室和热带病防控国家卫健委重点实验室先后获批,附属海南医院、第二附属医院设置了感染科、热带病科,拥有较高的传染病和热带病诊疗能力。海医主办的两本SCl全英文杂志影响因子不断攀升,全校被SCI收录的热带医学论文数量居全国第二,在《Nature》《Cell》等顶尖学术期刊上发表了相关文章。今天,海医已真正扛起了热带医学大旗,奠定了在全国乃至全球热带医学事业的应有地位。在对热带医学事业几十年来坚韧不拔的追求中,海医涌现了一批无私奉献、躬耕专业的优秀教师,酿就了感人至深的职业精神。邓子夫教授就是其中典型代表,1955年毕业于中山医学院的他本应成为一名优秀外科大夫,但因学校基础师资不足而服从组织安排从临床转向生理教学,讲台上一站就是40年。在眼科兼职门诊中,他首次发现了眼部感染孟氏裂头幼病,本不是公卫专业出身的他,为了搞清楚病原学,便和其他老师一起上黎村苗寨搞流调,在乡村卫生院收治病人、下水田捉青蛙,将青蛙体内的寄生虫喂养猫狗,最终发现猫狗肠道里有同类寄生虫成虫。找到病因后,他和同事们在当地为几十例感染该寄生虫的病人实施手术治疗及口服吡喹片,将这些病人从濒临失明的边缘一一解救出来,其成果得到中外热带病权威专家高度认可,《海南日报》曾首版刊登大篇幅专访报道“人民需要邓子夫这样的好医生”。近年来,我校吕刚、夏乾峰、尹飞飞等一批中青年学者一直从事重要热带病原功能基因组学研究和类鼻疽病毒等新发传染病病原分子生物学研究,取得了突出成果。美国哈佛博士宁毅教授、瑞士热带病与公共卫生研究所杨国静研究员回国后相继赴海医投入热带医学事业。海南省于2019年被国家认定消除疟疾,2021年代表中国接受WHO消除疟疾现场验收,这来之不易的成果背后,是无数海医校友几十年如一日的坚守与奉献。热带医学专业发展就是海南医学院医学事业发展的一个缩影,海医人在发展热带医学事业中展现出的追求卓越、不断创新精神,同样是支撑我们走到今天的强大力量,是海医历史文化中难得的精神财富,值得我们发扬光大。海医面向未来传承红色基因,坚定自信,走热带特色和国际化发展之路充满光明。海医的航船历经风浪,几起几伏,今天终于驶入了中国特色海南自由贸易港!海南全面深化改革开放、建设中国特色自贸港是习近平总书记亲自谋划、亲自宣布、亲自推动的国家重大战略。海医有幸作为海南自贸港内唯一一所高等本科医学院校,面临前所未有的重大历史机遇与挑战,肩负着为海南自贸港建设、30多个沿线国家建设培养高层次医药卫生人才的重任。我们致力于建设的热带特色鲜明的国际化高水平医科大学,既具有坚持党的领导这一中国特色社会主义新时代本质特征,又具有面向世界、恢宏远大、自由开放的自贸港国际化特征,其标准更高,质量更优。我们不能再把海医定位于一般地方医学院校,只能与中国特色自由贸易港对标;我们不能再以一般地方医学院校办学质量要求自己,而必须追求国际化高校办学质量;我们不能再走自然增长式的发展老路,只能在国际化开放背景下闯出一条精品式内涵发展新路。挑战与机遇并存,勇毅与智慧同行。木棉花开处处春,我们看到,今天春意盎然、生机勃勃的琼崖大地,不仅有农耕文化与海洋文化的交汇碰撞,更有辽阔深邃、开放包容的自贸港文化正风起南海。在新时代的奋斗中,海医人既要传承和弘扬自身优秀历史文化,更要锤炼出开放包容、热烈奔放、敢闯敢试、追求更高的独特文化气质,进化出更加优异的红色基因与文化基因,构筑更加坚定的新时代海医自信,建设富有自贸港特色的高质量“三全”育人体系。唯此,我们才能走得更远。时间是公正的,只要方向正确,就不怕航程遥远。历史是慷慨的,只要辛勤春播,就会有丰硕秋收。有历史文化底蕴,有时代精神引领,在党的领导下海医必将行稳致远,因海南自贸港建设而强。 于2022年2月4日 立春 Carrying Forward Historical Culture and Strengthening the Confidence of Hainan Medical University2022 New Year Greetings from Yang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee of Hainan Medical University With the sonorous rhythm of the construction of Hainan free trade port, Hainan Medical University is developing rapidly and steadily and has made great progress. Today, there is an urgent need to answer such a question: what does Hainan Medical University rely on to go through the past and move towards the future?Answering this question is not only about yesterday, but also about tomorrow: how far Hainan Medical University can go.Hainan Medical University is born for the health needs of the people in Hainan. Although it is born at an untimely time, its self-reliance and entrepreneurial spirit will last forever.The history of establishing Hainan Medical University is a history of hard work in medical education in Hainan. This university is born entirely because of the health of the people in Hainan. Hainan island has been isolated from the mainland for a long time, with backward economic and social development, lack of medical resources on the island. People in this island have had many difficulties in receiving medical services for a long time. In 1947 and 1948, the private Haiqiang Medical Technology School, the predecessor of Hainan Medical University, and the Medical School of Hainan University were successively initiated by the people, but they were not recognized by the corrupt and incompetent Kuomintang authorities at all. All the funds were needed to be raised by themselves, so it was difficult to run the school. The school running conditions of private Hainan University failed to meet the requirements. It was suspended after only three semesters and recruited 90 medical students in total. Haiqiang Medical Technology School had only a few teachers, four houses and several simple microscopes, and the school running conditions were very poor. However, inspired by the patriotic upsurge of the victory of the war, the sages still resolutely ran schools, promoted medicine and devoted themselves to the development of their hometown. Mr. Lin Xiaohai was the pioneer of modern medical education in Hainan, independent founder of Haiqiang Medical Technology School. He got the master of medicine degree in Japan. When talking about why the first medical school in Hainan was established at that time, he said that because after the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, he returned to Hainan as the president of Haikou army hospital. He saw that Hainan’s medical health care was very backward, there were few hospitals, few doctors and nurses, and a considerable number of young people who were out of school. He set up it to train medical and health personnel through medical education, enable social young people to go to school and find employment, and open up the road of medical development in Hainan. Zhu Runshen, a pioneer of modern health care and medical education in Hainan, president of the Medical School of Hainan University and president of Hainan Hospital, and Ph.D of medicine in France, gave up the superior conditions of working in Union Medical College Hospital and resolutely returned to his hometown. He was the president of the Medical College and Hainan hospital. Lin Xiaohai and Zhu Runshen, two sages, one from Wenchang and one from Wanning, are modern medical experts. They love their hometown very much. In particular, Mr. Lin Xiaohai has stayed in his hometown since he returned to Hainan. Despite hardships, he still has his original intention to develop medical education in Hainan. If there is no such spiritual support of patriotism, love for the island and self-reliance, there will be no previous and present life of Hainan Medical University.Hainan Medical University has lived up to the expectations of the people of Hainan and worked hard. Despite its twists and turns, the university has always faced difficulties for the development of medical and health undertakings in Hainan.In 1951, the people’s government accepted the private medical college of Hainan University and Haiqiang Medical Technology School and merged them into Hainan Medical Specialized School. In 1953, the school buildings were damaged due to typhoon and the school was merged with No.8 Health School of Guangdong Province. Hainan Medical College resumed in 1958 and stopped enrollment again in 1963. Hainan Medical College reopened in 1973 and tried to run the undergraduate courses in 1977, and was incorporated into Hainan University as the Department of medicine in 1983. Taking advantage of the breeze of reform, Hainan Medical College was in preparation from January 1989 and officially established in 1993. Hainan Medical University has been on the right track of independent development since then. Despite twists and turns in growth, there is no lack of perseverance and tenacious spirit. Liang Wenyi, the first president of Hainan Medical College, was from Qionghai. He returned from Malaya to participate in the Anti Japanese war in 1939 and later joined the Communist Party of China. He was the section chief of the political department and the military medical director of QiongYa Anti Japanese Corps. He was a QiongYa Anti Japanese soldier who had been tested by wars and bullets. It was he who first injected the red gene of Hainan’s 23 year red flag into Hainan Medical University, making "loyalty to the party, hard work and perseverance" become the essence of Hainan Medical University. Although the university has experienced many hardships, it has gradually expanded. The First Affiliated Hospital was established in 1973. The former General Hospital of agricultural reclamation was classified as the Second Affiliated Hospital of the University in 2016, and Hainan Provincial Hospital was classified as Hainan Medical University in 2018, which has improved the teaching system day by day. With the establishment of Hainan Province as a special economic zone, the university has also entered a period of prosperous development. In particular, Hainan Medical University, which has entered the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, now has a complete medical talent training system, 31 majors, more than 14000 full-time students and 11 directly affiliated and non directly affiliated hospitals, and has successively trained more than 50000 medical talents. More than 70% of the province's health professionals and technicians and more than 70% of the presidents and management cadres of grass-roots hospitals have been trained, making great contributions to the health and well-being of the people of Hainan. Today, the prosperous age has been as the wishes of our ancestors. The strong national feelings and political consciousness of "loving the country and the island, helping the world and saving the people and following the party's words" embodied in Lin Xiaohai and Liang Wenyi, which are the powerful spiritual force supporting us and the blood root of the history and culture of the university, and is worth carrying forward.Hainan Medical University is committed to people’s health in Hainan and has been working hard demonstrating its mission and responsibility in the development of tropical medicine.For more than 70 years, teachers and students of Hainan Medical University have been committed to the cause of people’s health in Hainan and made great contributions to the development of medical education and the improvement of medical technology in Hainan. Especially in the efforts to develop tropical medicine and eliminate tropical infectious diseases and endemic diseases in Hainan, they have embodied the professional spirit of pursuing excellence and being brave in innovation. As the only tropical island in China, Hainan’s tropical humid environment is prone to breeding mosquitoes, ticks and other parasites. Viruses are easy to reproduce, malaria and dengue fever are rampant, and people suffer a lot from it. Tropical diseases, also known as "neglected diseases" by WHO, have been neglected for a long time.Since the 1950s and 1960s, Hainan Medical University has begun to study tropical infectious diseases. Through the unremitting efforts of several generations, Tropical Medicine and Laboratory Medicine College was established in 2009, opening undergraduate and graduate education in the field of tropical medicine. In 2021, the second Tropical Medical College in Asia was established. The Construction and Development Plan of Tropical Medicine Discipline of Hainan Medical University was formulated, which defined the development path of tropical medicine. Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Tropical Diseases and Key Laboratory of Tropical Medicinal Plant Research and Development have been established successively. In 2017, Academician Workstation of Tropical Medicine was jointly established with academicians Gao Fu and Kang Le of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Joint Laboratory of Tropical Infectious Diseases and Joint Research Center for Major Disease Prevention and Control were jointly established with Cambodia and Myanmar, and Laboratory of Emerging Tropical Diseases was jointly established with University of Hong Kong in 2018. In the same year, Hainan Medical University led the establishment of the tropical medicine alliance with the participation of more than 30 countries along the line, and built a multi-level tropical medicine research platform. In 2019 and 2020, Key Laboratory of Tropical Translation Medicine of the Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of the National Health Commission for Tropical Disease Prevention and Control were successively approved. The affiliated Hainan hospital and the Second Affiliated Hospital set up infection department and tropical disease department, with high diagnosis and treatment capacity of infectious and tropical diseases. The influence factors of the two English journals of SCI sponsored by Hainan Medical University are rising. The number of papers on tropical medicine included by SCI of the university ranks second in China, and relevant articles have been published in top academic journals such as Nature and Cell. Today, Hainan Medical University has already shouldered the banner of Tropical Medicine and established its due position in the cause of tropical medicine throughout the country and even around the world. In the decades of unremitting pursuit of Tropical Medicine, a group of excellent teachers with selfless dedication and professional dedication have emerged, who have brewed the touching professional spirit. Professor Deng Zifu is a typical representative. He graduated from Zhongshan Medical College in 1955. He should have become an excellent surgeon, but due to the lack of basic teachers, he obeyed the organizational arrangement and changed his teaching orientation from clinical medicine to physiological teaching. He has taught for 40 years.In the part-time ophthalmology clinic, he firstly found eye infection with Monteggia infantilis. He was not a public health professional. In order to find out the etiology, he went to the Miao village and Li village with other teachers to carry out flow regulation. He treated patients in the rural health center, caught frogs in the paddy field, fed the parasites in frogs to cats and dogs, and finally found that there were adults of similar parasites in the intestines of cats and dogs. After finding the cause, he and his colleagues carried out surgical treatment and oral pyrquine tablets for dozens of patients infected with the parasite in local hospitals, and rescued these patients from the brink of blindness one by one. The results were highly recognized by authoritative experts of tropical diseases at home and abroad. Hainan Daily published a large interview on the first page, reporting as People Need Good Doctors like Deng Zifu.In recent years, a group of middle-aged and young scholars such as Lv Gang, Xia Qianfeng and Yin Feifei have been engaged in the research of functional genomics of important tropical pathogens and the molecular biology of new infectious diseases such as melioidosis virus, and have made outstanding achievements. Professor Ning Yi, Ph.D. of Harvard University in the United States and researcher Yang Guojing of Swiss Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health successively have gone back to Hainan Medical University for tropical medicine after returning home. Hainan Province was recognized by the state to eliminate malaria in 2019 and accepted the on-site acceptance of malaria elimination by WHO on behalf of China in 2021. The hard-earned achievement comes from the persistence and dedication of countless alumni of Hainan Medical University for decades. The professional development of tropical medicine is an epitome of the development of the medical career of Hainan Medical University. The spirit of pursuing excellence and continuous innovation shown by doctors of this university in the development of tropical medicine is also a powerful force to support us till today. It is a rare spiritual wealth in the history and culture of Hainan Medical University, which is worth carrying forward.Facing the future, Hainan Medical University inherits the red gene, firm and confident, and takes the road of tropical characteristics and international development.The ship of Hainan Medical University has experienced wind and waves and finally sailed into Hainan free trade port with Chinese characteristics today! Hainan’s comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and building a free trade port with Chinese characteristics is a major national strategy planned, announced and promoted by general secretary Xi. As the only undergraduate medical university in Hainan free trade port, Hainan Medical University faces unprecedented major historical opportunities and challenges, and shoulder the important task of cultivating high-level medical and health talents for the construction of Hainan free trade port and more than 30 countries along the line. We are committed to building an international high-level medical university with distinctive tropical characteristics, which not only has the essential characteristics of adhering to the party’s leadership in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also has the international characteristics of a world-oriented, grand, free and open free trade port, with higher standards and better quality. We cannot position Hainan Medical University as a general local medical university, but as a benchmark with a free trade port with Chinese characteristics. We cannot ask ourselves for the quality of running local medical universities, but pursue the quality of running international colleges and universities. We cannot follow the old path of natural growth, but break a new path of high-quality connotation development under the background of internationalization and opening-up.Challenges and opportunities coexist, and courage and wisdom go hand in hand. Kapok flowers bloom everywhere in spring. We can see that today’s vibrant QiongYa land not only has the intersection and collision of agricultural culture and marine culture, but also has the vast, profound, open and inclusive free trade port culture, which is blowing in the South China Sea. In the struggle of the new era, doctors of Hainan Medical University should not only inherit and carry forward their own excellent historical culture, but also temper their unique cultural temperament of openness and inclusiveness, enthusiasm, boldness, daring to try and pursue higher, evolve more excellent red genes and cultural genes, build more firm confidence as the doctors of Hainan Medical University in the new era to build a high-quality Three Complete education system with the characteristics of free trade port. Only in this way can we go further.Time is fair. As long as the direction is correct, we are not afraid of a long journey.History is generous. As long as you sow hard in spring, you will have a fruitful autumn harvest.With historical and cultural heritage and the guidance of the spirit of the times, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Hainan Medical University will be stable and far-reaching, and will be strong due to the construction of Hainan free trade port. Beginning of spring, February 4th, 2022